My first night was Saturday the 1st and of course I forgot my clipboard with blank paperwork and notebook back at the office. I figured, what are the chances of me being called out on my first nigh? Or if I do get called out that it is something serious? Lucky lucky me. At about 2am I get a knock on my door by 2 security guards sent by KBR Operations. I stager out of bed in my boxers, get to the door and hear, “Sir, Hazmat yard on fire, you need wake up now.”……. “MOTHER F*#$@ER,” Something like this could only happen to me.
I however, discovered the large “real world” version of whisper down the lane that happens during a night call. First the person that caused or found the incident calls there supervisor, that supervisor calls the manager, and that manager calls the incident into KBR Operations. Operation then tells the messenger which is usually a security guard that doesn’t speak much English to come wake me up and tell me what happened. By this time, a “fire located on Victory loop road near the Hazmat Yard” turns into “the hazmat yard is on fire.” So it ended up being nothing I needed to deal with, but it did drag my out of bed at 2am for no freaking reason.
My second night was even more fun. What are the chances I’d be called 2 nights in a row, let alone my first to nights? Lucky me again. I was called in by KBR Ops because of an emergency with the water tower. I rush to the office to find out what was wrong and all they wanted was a few drums out of the freaking hazmat yard. That is something they should have waited till the next day. That guy who called KBR Ops to wake me up was lucky there were witnesses in the room otherwise I would have dove over his desk and strangled him to death. Him waking me up for that would be like calling the fire department in the middle of the night asking if they rinse off there sidewalk.
All in all the night shift doesn’t bother me to much, however I cant wait until it is over, that way I can go to the gym and do stuff after work. We have been getting a lot of dusts storms lately. I attached a picture of me in one. To me they end up looking like a foggy day. When the wind picks up you sometimes end up having to pull of the road because you can’t see past the hood of your truck. I am always afraid of getting rear ended by one of those big ass MRAPS. They could drive though a brick building and not know it.
I have also been getting to know the Ugandan guards better. I stop and sit in there little guard stations on my way into the dfacs. They speak very good English and are interesting guys. They always complain about the heat and say they can’t wait to go home, even though they can go anytime they want. I was asking one of the guys if he was married he told me, “Not yet sir, I hope someday. But Ugandan women only want to be with men for money, if you have it they want to be with you and if you don’t they don’t even want to know who you are. It is impossible to find one that isn’t in it for your money.” Looks like something else transcends cultures. HaHa. This same guy also taught me out to say hello in their language that way I can say hi when going in and out of the dfacs, people really like it when you take the time to learn a few of their words.
On a side note, I finally got a hold of my Uncle John and Cousin Amy on the phone; it was nice talking to them both. I hope to write some more letters in the next few days to send home. I would like to take a second to thank Ashley; she has been helping me get by. We talk every day and that really helps me get though my long days, I can’t wait to be home and see her and everyone! I also want to thank Emily for buying me the Tilley hat before I left, it is working awesome and I should have wore it right when I got here instead of waiting. Everywhere I go people ask about it. I am wearing it in the picture below during the dust storm, and one of the guys wanted a picture wearing it. The others are of the Van fire and morning chabatee.
You are too funny son. Always the comedian. Sorry I missed your call today-Dad was on the mower and I was in the garden. Still can't figure out how to transfer the video into the computer to burn you a movie. Watching the opening night of the Olympics and the first Eagles game...against who? That's right..Pittsburgh. Now what genius planned for both things to be on at the same time. He should be strung up! Love ya~Mom
Aw babe I'm sorry you got woken up and almost had a heart attack!!
Hey there. Quite a morning you had, being woken up like that couldn't be much fun. Well just so you know my name is Shazeena and I am Jessica's friend. She may have told you about me since that is the reason I found your blog, well she gave it to me but yeah. Anyway, she's lost your e-mail address so here I am blogging you. If you do happen to receive this soon do e-mail me if you wish: or
Well until then. Bye. & hope you have a wonderful rest of the day.
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