I think the future holds bright for the country of Iraq, but I do think we need to spend a lot more time here. Leaving now is too early. We need to pump more money into building hospitals and schools instead of giving them tanks and weapons. The Military is too concerned with making Iraqi military strong instead of setting up a healthy educated society. It is important to have a country that can defend itself (especially in the Middle East) but there is more to a successful society then a strong military.
I am suppose to fly in a Blackhawk helicopter when I get back from my R&R and check out another base that is close by. Far smaller then ours, but it has the Iraqi prison and has a lot of Iraqi military working there. It will be interesting seeing them in action.
Well it is down to two weeks until I am home! Some pretty sweet stuff going on here too. For one, it rained. It rained really hard for about a half hour the other morning. It made the area seem like a different world, I am so used to cloudless skies baking me all day long. With rain it makes you feel like you are in a totally different place.
I got something cool in the mail the other day. My boss and friend, Don, passed away a few months after I got here. I finally was able to get a hold of the family a month ago and sent a card. I was surprised to find my name on the box list in the Daily Post Office email. Don’s wife ended up sending me one of his Grateful Dead T-shirts. Along with the shirt was a thank you card. Don was huge into live music and played it often at the Deli he owned. It is really cool having one of his shirts and I took a picture of me in it to send back to her. I hope she likes it. Don was an awesome guy, and, by far, the best boss I have ever had. Chill, laid back, didn’t mind if we ate at the store. An all around cool dude.
I also got a package from my Ashley and her mom. It had lots of cute things in it like Tasty Kakes and Herrs Potato Chips. I took a picture for them. I love the chips, the chips here suck. They are very thick, almost enough to hurt your teeth.
Speaking of bad food. The contractor that was in charge of the DFACs has lost it’s contract and will be gone in November. You can sorta tell they have given up. The food quality is lowering and they don’t put out as much as they used to. They also “forget” to order things like “to go boxes” and lettuce. They used to not care about how much you took out of the DFAC, and that was probably because they were doing there best to keep the client happy. Now they only want you taking out what the contract states. Which is 2 drinks and one plate. Before the loss in contract people would take a bunch of drinks and 2 or three plates. Which is a shame because you know they didn’t eat all that food. Americans have the tendency to take as much as they can if it is free even if we don’t need it. I am looking forward to the new contractor; I am hoping they have a healthier setup. All the food with these guys is really good, but not the best for your health. However, I am worried they will not be ready in time. They are suppose to start in November, and they don’t have a camp set up yet or any equipment here. Let alone any sort of workforce. It is going to be interesting.
Can’t wait to be home, will be there in no time!
Very cute pic at the bottom-was that a set-up or what? Blackhawk helicopter huh? Should I print out the pic for Don's wife? I like how I got no credit for that...lol. Also I like your thought on helping the country, to bad Obama wants to pull everyone out of there ASAP if he gets elected. hahahaha, (just had to put that in there.) Zack has a rugby game today, Dad and I are going.
Love you Can't wait to see you! Mom
Your right.
It would be a shame to have a president who believes brown people of other cultures aren't automatically evil. It would be a shame to have a president that wants other countries to not hate us, or one that didn't grow up filthy rich and have everything handed to him. I'd hate to have a president who has had a hard days work under his belt, or one that doesn't take bribes from oil companies. God Forbid, we get one that doesn't twist religion to get people to believe his phony system just so he can make millions off of corrupt deals.
So, your right.
It would suck for Obama to be president, fix Iraq and make it a self governing nation instead of a militant state.
I'm glad you liked the chips :)
I'm also glad that you're taking this experience as something you can gain from, to grow politically, to question your world. I'm jealous, and I'm proud of you!!!
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