Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back in the Groove

It has been a week and a few days since I have gotten back from R&R and I think I am back in the swing of things; found my groove again, so to say. I am excited for my last R&R and returning home so I can get back to school. I am also very excited about attending Graduate School. I am looking into colleges now so I’ll be ready to apply next semester. I hope, with this job experience, that I’ll be a shoe-in for a research position or a Teaching Assistance spot. I hope to go to grad school for free; there is no reason at this point why I should have to pay to go. It would also mean a solid job for two years. I’ll check out what schools are offering in October at GSA.

I had a little pizza party for the guys to mark St. Patrick’s Day and did my best to explain to them what is was all about. In any case, they got some pizza and had an awesome lunch. Speaking of parties, I am having a grill made so I can have a cookout with my buddies and roommate one day soon. It is staying light enough to have one outside after work, and it isn’t hot yet. Now it’s just a matter of searching for things to cook. I’ll end up having to sweet talk some of the DFAC warehousemen.
I have gotten to the point where I referrer to this place as home which is kind of scary, but today actually marks 100 days until my next and final R&R! I’ll have to come back into country to pack up my stuff to send home, but in 100 days I’ll be done working.

Below are some photos I’ve taken here on base since I’ve been back. Also some photos MBH took of me while in Dubai, I had an awesome time that day, I can't wait to hang out with them again! Enjoy!


petoskystone said...

will your grill be as large as the photo? who's the band? i do hope you can latch onto a t.a. spot...

Unknown said...

Hi. Am looking forward to the last R&R and can't wait till you're back, but enjoy all the adventures while you can! So proud of you.